For cost-effective disease control in OSR this autumn.

With many different pressures, protecting oilseed rape crops in the autumn is vital. Clayton can provide a wide choice of fungicides for early disease control in the critical autumn window as young crops are establishing. Achieving good crop establishment to maximise yields relies on effective, early-season control of problem diseases like Light leaf spot and... Read more

Cereals and OSR: Autumn Product Guide 2024    

Seasonal focus: Autumn product choices.

Growers looking to find out more information about pre and post-emergence cereal herbicides and autumn oilseed rape fungicides can find useful information in our autumn product guide here. This provides a way for growers to plan their autumn product choices and ensure they use cost-effective solutions for both weed and disease control in establishing cereal... Read more

Winter Oilseed Rape…disease control and plant growth regulation.

Warmer temperatures earlier in October and higher rainfall this autumn have led to high Phoma pressure. Crops that were drilled very early may be less susceptible, but Light leaf spot (LLS) pressure will be higher, so disease control measures may be needed for both diseases. Keep an eye on the size of these crops too... Read more

Winter Oilseed Rape...disease control and plant growth regulation.    

Seasonal Focus: Autumn Oilseed Rape Fungicides

Protecting oilseed rape crops cost-effectively this autumn. For the best start, closely monitor crops for Phoma and Light leaf spot spray thresholds* in the autumn period and treat with broad-spectrum protective and systemic fungicides (with either straight or co-formulated product options) where required. Disease management to control damaging diseases in the autumn is vital, where... Read more

Plan ahead for protecting oilseed-rape crops cost-effectively this autumn.

We would advise growers to plan early their 2023 fungicide strategies for early-sown oilseed rape crops this autumn. For the best start and good crop establishment into the year-end, closely monitor crops for signs of Phoma and Light leaf spot and treat with broad-spectrum fungicides where needed. Clayton has a wide range of products from... Read more

Clayton Autumn OSR Fungicides & Cereal Herbicides 2023    
Clayton Rally CX®. A benchmark herbicide for valuable weed control in the spring…

Clayton Rally CX®. A benchmark herbicide for valuable weed control in the spring…

Clayton Rally CX, containing 200g/kg metsulfuron-methyl, is a new herbicide product launch for Clayton in 2023. As a high-quality water-soluble granule (SG) formulation, it is a highly useful spring-applied herbicide with foliar and root activity for the control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in cereals (including wheat, barley, oats and triticale), linseed and... Read more

New Products Summary 2023    
Clayton Cocoon®. A reliable weed control solution for use across a vast range of farm crops…

Clayton Cocoon®. A reliable weed control solution for use across a vast range of farm crops…

Clayton Cocoon, containing 400g/l clopyralid, is a new herbicide product launch for Clayton in 2023. As a high-quality EC formulation, it can control a good range of perennial and annual broad-leaved weeds in the post-emergence window including excellent control of thistles and volunteer potatoes. Other target problem weeds controlled include Mayweeds, Groundsel and Corn Marigold.... Read more

New Products Summary 2023    

Maximise your oilseed rape yields this spring!

A reassuring choice for high-performing products. With a strong portfolio of products targeting key disease problems in Oilseed rape crops, Clayton can provide the choice you need this spring. Achieving good crop growth to maximise yields relies on effective control of damaging diseases in both the autumn and spring periods. With a range of leading... Read more

OSR Fungicides Product Range 2023    

Clayton Trellis. Top Performance Autumn OSR Fungicide

Clayton Trellis® EC formulation containing a high-loaded 160g prothioconazole + 80g tebuconazole, offers a proven approach to autumn OSR disease management. With the complimentary strengths of both tebuconazole and prothioconazole and the added convenience of being in one can, to provide cost-effective, rounded protection to your crop.

Clayton Trellis Technical Bulletin    
Safeguard oilseed rape crops cost-effectively this autumn.

Safeguard oilseed rape crops cost-effectively this autumn.

With a larger area drilled to Oilseed rape this season, Clayton can provide a wide choice of leading fungicides for early disease control in the critical Autumn window as young crops are establishing. Achieving good crop establishment to maximise yields relies on effective, early season control of problem diseases like Light leaf spot and Phoma.... Read more