Grassland Range 2024: Cost-effective weed control solutions to maximise grassland potential.
Posted on 13 March 2024
Grassland management. The key to success.
Protecting and getting the most out of grassland is vital for maximising grassland productivity, stock numbers and profitability. Weeds in particular can compete very fast for space, light, soil water, soil nutrients and reduce grassland productivity quickly if left to establish. Ensuring a well-planned, long-term approach to grassland management and weed control is essential to maintain productivity.
Grassland weed control. Tackling problem weeds.
Weed control in grassland is a key factor in successful grassland farming and herbicide spray applications should be applied safely, according to the product label and taking care for the environment with a sustainable approach.
Improve your grass yields
- Bad or severe weed infestations can easily incur yield losses of 10-20% in fields.
- Improve your silage quality
- Weeds such as docks and thistles, in particular, detrimentally affect silage quality.
- Keeping your grazing stock healthy: weeds like thistles can spread diseases like Orf in sheep and lambs.
- Improve grassland utilisation
- Sheep and cattle often avoid grazing near or around weed patches (especially thistles), reducing effective grassland utilisation over time.
- Prolong the pasture life
- Weed control ensures that less productive weeds and other grasses are kept out, and the target grass ley species mix is competitive, so pasture renewal is less frequent.
Product spotlight
Clayton Docker™
- 150 g/l fluroxypyr + 150 g/l triclopyr, EC formulation
- Foliar-acting herbicide for the control of broad-leaved dock and curled dock in established grassland.
Clayton Grazer™
- 60 g/l clopyralid + 240 g/l triclopyr, EC formulation
- A foliar acting herbicide for the control of nettles, docks, thistles, brambles, broom and gorse in established grassland.
Clayton Flurry™
- 200 g/l Fluroxypyr, EC formulation
- Translocated herbicide for the control of chickweed, dock, nettles and brambles in newly sown and established grassland.
Read more in our grassland product guide for spring 2024 below.