Clayton NUE Maize – Discover the difference!
Posted on 17 April 2024
With drilling right around the corner, ensure your maize crops benefit this season…
NUE Maize is a newly launched BioSolution from Clayton, in a liquid formulation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) plus a biostimulant, which has been formulated and tested for optimum performance in maize crops. The bacterial strains in Clayton NUE Maize have been specifically selected and trialled to give maximum benefit to maize crops, including improved root and shoot development and enhanced nutrition for better Nutrient Use Efficiency.
These improvements, in turn, provide broader benefits for crops, such as improved plant vigour, crop yield and quality, reduced reliance on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser inputs and increased availability and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and other vital nutrients. NUE Maize will also help to build healthier, more biologically active soil.
What is the Clayton NUE product range?
A new Biosolutions product range containing Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) for most key arable and veg crops. NUE™ utilises PGPR to provide better Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) for a wide range of arable crops, increasing yield and reducing input costs.
What are Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)?
A small but highly functional group of beneficial bacteria that multiplies in the soil when applied to aid the acquisition and conversion of residual and applied nutrients into plant available forms.
How does Clayton NUE improve nutrient use efficiency?
PGPRs are amongst the most functionally important soil micro-organisms in soils. Selected correctly, consortia of these beneficial bacteria can fix nitrogen from the air, slow down its mobility in soils, produce organic acids to release phosphorus and potassium and produce critical plant hormones that trigger top and root / tuber growth in treated crops. In concert these function increase the nutrient use efficiency of soils improving the flow residual and applied nutrition into treated crops.
Incorporating Clayton NUE into spring crop management and annual rotation planning ensures a sustained improvement in soil health, nutrient availability and crop performance over successive planting cycles, leading to more sustainable and productive agricultural practices over time. This in turn will lead to healthier soils, plants and maximised yields.
The wider benefits of Clayton Biosolutions:
- Improved crop yield and quality
- Improved root and shoot development through production of plant phytohormones
- Reduced reliance on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser inputs
- Increased availability and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and other vital nutrients
- Builds healthier, biologically active soils
- Improved plant vigour for better disease resistance