T3 timing and product choice critical for effective disease protection!
Posted on 26 May 2022
Early ear emergence, rapid movement of foliar diseases up the plant and current grain prices all mean that an effective T3 application is crucial.
Product choice should not only be focused on controlling the quality and yield losses from fusarium but also foliar disease top up which will depend on variety and previous fungicide applications. This will be of particular importance where dry conditions have caused crops to push through growth stages quickly leading to fungicide timings being compromised.
Fusarium develops in warm and wet weather at flowering. AHDB and ADAS trials show best control can be achieved with an application of products containing prothioconazole as a protectant at early flowering (anthers visible from the middle florets at GS63). Tebuconazole and metconazole also give useful activity so using co-formulated products or tank mixes can be a good approach.
Read more in the T3 Technical Bulletin below…