Product focus – Prothioconazole OSR Fungicides

Posted on 31 March 2021

Clayton Plant Protection offer a range of leading fungicide products for OSR crops this spring. Achieving good crop growth to maximise yields relies on effective control of damaging diseases in the spring. With both new prothioconazole-based options and a range of other fungicides, our product choice for early season disease control in OSR ensures good protection for crops in the spring and more choice for growers.


Spring fungicide range providing choice & flexibility



Effective, systemic and protectant strobilurin fungicide

SC formulation 250g azoxystrobin

Crops: Oilseed Rape

Use rate and timing: apply at 1.0 L/ha for a maximum of 2 treatments per crop at a minimum 21 day spray interval. Latest application 21 days before harvest. Use against Sclerotinia as a protectant during flowering (best results from an application timing GS60-GS65, from early to mid flowering). Use against Alternaria as a protectant at early pod formation (before first spots appear on the pods).

Target diseases (Spring): Dark Leaf and Pod Spot (Alternaria spp.) – control. Sclerotinia stem rot – moderate control



Reliable, adaptable systemic triazole fungicide

EW formulation 250g tebuconazole

Crops: Oilseed Rape

Use rate and timing: apply at 1.0 L/ha between growth stages BBCH 20 and BBCH 69. For Light leaf spot, if disease develops over winter (and no Autumn treatment used), apply 1.0 L/ha in early spring from onset of stem extension. Or application either pre- or post-flowering will generally control late development of light leaf spot on pods and leaves. For Alternaria spp., apply 1.0 L/ha at onset of disease when black spots first appear on pods. For Sclerotinia stem rot, 1.0 L/ha applied at early to full flower will give some reduction. For Ringspot, spring/summer applications made for light leaf spot control may also give some reduction.

Target diseases (Spring): Light leaf spot, Sclerotinia stem rot, Dark leaf spot/pod spot (Alternaria) and Ringspot.



Robust, systemic triazole fungicide

EC formulation 90g metconazole

Crops: Oilseed Rape

Use rate and timing: apply at 0.8 L/ha for a maximum of 2 treatments per crop at a minimum 14 day spray interval. Latest application 10% pods at final size. Apply during stem extension, once the crop is actively growing (GS31-51).

Target diseases (Spring): Light leaf spot (reduction) and Alternaria (control).



High-performance broad-spectrum fungicide mixture

EC formulation 125g prothioconazole and 125g tebuconazole

Crops: Oilseed Rape

Use rate and timing: apply at 1.0 l/ha, for a maximum of 2 treatments per crop at a minimum 14 day spray interval. Latest application 56 days before harvest. For Light leaf spot follow up spray(s) may be required in early spring from the onset of stem elongation, depending on disease development. For Sclerotinia stem rot, apply at early to full flower.

Target diseases (Spring): Light leaf spot (reduction), Sclerotinia stem rot (control).



Powerful systemic, protectant and curative triazole fungicide

EC formulation 250g prothioconazole

Crops: Oilseed Rape

Use rate and timing: apply at 0.7 l/ha, for a maximum number of 2 treatments per crop at a minimum 14 day spray interval. Latest application 56 days before harvest. For Light leaf spot, depending on infection pressure, a second spray may be required in spring from stem elongation. For Sclerotinia stem rot, apply at first to full flowering.

Target diseases (Spring): Light leaf spot (moderate control), Sclerotinia stem rot (control).

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