Key highlights from last week’s CropTec Event…

Posted on 30 November 2021

Clayton Plant Protection enjoyed their visit to CropTec 2021, which attracted a good, wide range of visitors to the stand to talk with, including Independent agronomists, Farmers, Buying group purchasing managers and other key industry representatives from UK R&D trials organisations. Others visiting the Clayton stand as well included agronomists and farm managers who had entered the online BASiS Knowledge Trail.
 “The event was particularly valuable to raise further awareness of our company and products and provided a good launch platform to talk with interested parties about our new Spring products such as Clayton Tuskar and Clayton Navaro.”  
“Even though the show clashed with the British Potato event in Yorkshire, Croptec remains an important show for Clayton Plant Protection held at the right time of the year, with a good mix of attendees.”
Will Ridgwell, Commercial Manager, Clayton Plant Protection 
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