Clayton Cereal Fungicides Targeting Key Diseases at T2 Timing!
Posted on 28 May 2021
With T2 application timing now fast approaching in most winter cereal crops around the country, careful planning in terms of product choice for contact and protective fungicides will help growers achieve the best results, especially in crops where Septoria disease pressure may be building now in the leaf canopy following the recent wet and warmer weather.
PROTEFIN® EC formulation containing 125g prothioconazole + 125g tebuconazole
TRACIAFIN® PLUS EC formulation containing 250g prothioconazole
METFIN 90™ EC formulation containing 90g metconazole
Cereal fungicide programmes
T2 Fungicide timing – Winter Wheat
Target T2 timing (GS39, flag leaf fully emerged) using a mixture of triazoles such as Metfin 90™, Traciafin® Plus, Protefin® with multi-sites and SDHIs for maximum efficacy and best resistance management.
T2 is often the most important spray timing in wheat. It controls disease on the top two leaves, which contribute about 65% to yield. The main target disease is Septoria tritici, although rusts are also important targets.
Apply T2 spray as soon as most flag leaves on the main tillers have fully emerged (GS39). Use an azole / SDHI / multi-site mixture to ensure good control of Septoria and rusts. An appropriate strobilurin such as Azofin Plus can give additional rust protection. Inclusion of a multisite can help to protect azoles and SDHIs from resistance as well as contributing to disease control.
T2 Fungicide timing – Winter Barley
T2 spray timings are very important in Winter Barley. Target T2 (GS39–59, flag leaf & ear emergence) with Metfin 90™, Protefin® and folpet.
About 40% of the fungicide yield response can come from this timing. Brown rust and net blotch are targets, along with rhynchosporium in wetter regions and in wet summers. Applications around flag leaf emergence can reduce spikelet mortality during booting and extend canopy duration. If there are high levels of late-developing net blotch and brown rust, use later applications, but use earlier applications when disease pressure (especially Rhynchosporium) is generally high.
Use an azole in a mixture with a strobilurin or SDHI to control most target diseases. If brown rust is a particular threat, use a strobilurin. The latest application time for many fungicides in malting crops is the start of ear emergence. Check product labels to determine whether they are suitable for use when the T2 is delayed.
Alternate modes of action where possible: use a different azole to that used at T1 and add a multisite to protect the other modes of action. Folpet is the only available multisite for barley.