Azofin® Plus – Product focus across our Potato range.
Posted on 15 April 2021
Azofin® Plus is a protectant strobilurin fungicide for control of Early blight and other diseases, with flexible uses including in-furrow and foliar spray application. Check out our Quick Guide to product profiles and disease strengths
Early blight (Alternaria solani) is a mainly soil-borne fungal pathogen that affects potato crops. Warm, wet periods favour the disease and if not controlled it can cause dramatic leaf loss, leading to significant yield reductions.
Product Profile – AZOFIN® PLUS
Flexible, systemic and protectant strobilurin fungicide for potato in-furrow treatment and foliar spray.
SC formulation 250g azoxystrobin
Use rate and timing: (In-furrow application at planting) – apply at 3.0 l/ha for a maximum of 1 treatment per crop at planting. (Foliar spray) – apply at 0.5 l/ha for a maximum of 3 treatments per crop at minimum 7 day spray intervals, up to latest application 7 days before harvest.
Target use between GS51-85.
Target diseases: Stem canker and Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani), Black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) – Reduction (in-furrow use only). Early blight (Alternaria solani) – Moderate control (foliar use only).
Potato Stricken Phytophthora (Phytophthora Infestans)